Based On Studies From Top Research Centers Like Harvard Medical School...

Is This Delicious Ribeye Steak
SPIKING Your Blood Sugar?

Shocking discovery reveals that even sugar-free foods (like this steak)
could be skyrocketing your blood sugar...

Ribeye Steak.

Revealed below: The real reason cutting carbs, eliminating sugar, and exercising your butt off hasn’t moved the needle on your A1C...

And what experts are now calling, “The first real blood sugar breakthrough in decades,” because it can...

Skyrocketing Blood Sugar.

I have a confession to make and I’m not proud of it...

I used to think people who swore they were eating a healthy diet...

But still couldn’t get their glucose levels into the healthy zone...

Were full of malarkey.

But I was wrong.

I was DEAD wrong...

Because I Watched This Happen
To My Poor Mother...
And Now I Owe You And Her A Big Apology...

But I promise I’m going to make it up to you (and her)...

By introducing you to what experts are now calling the first real blood sugar breakthrough in decades.

Because it doesn’t focus on reducing the amount of glucose you’re getting from your diet...

Instead it focuses on changing the way your body uses that glucose once it’s in your body.

And research shows it can help you...

  • Stabilize your blood sugar levels without changing your diet or exercising for an hour a day...
  • Lower your A1C scores even if your past attempts failed miserably...
  • Supercharge your energy levels without those sluggish midday crashes...
  • Even prime your metabolism to support RAPID weight loss...

You see, new research shows that healthy blood sugar doesn’t have as much to do with your diet as we once thought.

Now of course it does help some people...

But if you’ve already tried improving your diet and it didn’t budge your numbers...

Chances are you’re experiencing what experts are calling “Glyco Resistance”.

Rabbit Food.

Just like my own Mother.

I found this out because I watched her cut every “bad” food out of her diet...

Until she was practically living on leaves and twigs.

She was going for daily walks...

And after months of eating nothing but “rabbit food” her blood sugar numbers actually went UP!

So, I knew there had to be something more to the blood sugar mystery.

Something we just hadn’t figured out yet.

And What I Discovered PROVES That Your Blood Sugar Struggles Are NOT Your Fault...

Just for one example (of many)...

In a study done at Weill Cornell School of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world...

Patients were held to an intense diet and exercise program for a full year...

And at the end of it, nearly 40% of them still had unhealthy blood sugar levels.,

Published In The Esteemed Lancet.

This wasn’t just a fluke either.

Because in a similar year-long study, published in the esteemed Lancet...

That number was 54%.

Even crazier still...

The little-known country of Benin has the LOWEST diabetes rates on the planet...

Even though their diets revolve around every food you’ve been told not to eat!

Things like rice, flour and other carb-heavy foods (more on this later).

So if you’ve been following all of the rules...

Watching what you eat... going for walks... maybe even hitting the gym...

And your blood sugar numbers still refuse to cooperate...

Shocking New Research Published By The
American Diabetes Association Could Explain
EXACTLY Why You’re So Frustrated...

So let me explain how this works...

You may have already heard that your body needs glucose to survive.

In fact, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School, your body is programmed to use glucose as its favorite source of fuel.,

Your brain uses about half of all the glucose you eat... with your muscles running a close second.

And according to the American Diabetes Association, when you deprive your body of glucose...

Like every doctor tells every patient with blood sugar concerns to do...

Your body starts turning protein into glucose.

Delicious Ribeye.

That’s why I showed you that big juicy steak at the beginning of this letter...

Because there isn’t a single shred of carbs OR sugar in steak.

So eating a delicious ribeye should be a perfectly healthy dinner if you’re trying to lower your blood sugar...

But you could actually be turning it into even MORE sugar inside your body!

And if you’re not getting enough protein?

Your body starts eating away at your muscles and turning THEM into glucose.

In other words...

No Matter How Much You Try To
Deprive Your Body Of Glucose...
It’s Going To Find A Way To Make More...

And that’s why everything you’ve done to lower your blood sugar hasn’t worked...

Because sugar itself is NOT the problem.

This fact is plain and simple...

And confirmed by all the top research universities in the world today.

And in just another minute...

Day To Day Lifestyle.

I’ll Introduce You To World-Renowned
Nutrition Expert Dr. Thomas Guilliams...

The Man Who’s Uncovered The Real Source
Of Your Blood Sugar Struggles...

Dr. Thomas Guilliams.

Then I’m going to show you the incredible solution that literally saved my mother's life.

I’ll explain EXACTLY how it works in just a second...

Why it works so well REGARDLESS how much sugar you get from your diet...

And how to make it do its best work while you’re fast asleep at night.

You WON’T hear this in the mainstream media anytime soon, you can be sure of that.

But if you’re willing to invest just 10 seconds a day, shortly before you start getting ready for bed...

I promise that this special report is going to change your life.

But before I explain how it all works...

Let Me Quickly Introduce Myself...

Jeremy Reeves With Family.

Hi, my name is Jeremy.

I’m a proud family man from the small town of Harding, Pennsylvania.

I’ve been married to my beautiful wife Katie for nearly 20 years...

And we’re currently raising 3 amazing (and crazy) sons together.

So whenever someone asks me who I am...

That’s my answer.

Because my family means EVERYTHING to me.

But if you were to ask other people...

They’d likely know me better as the CEO and Founder of Peak Biome...

One of America’s most prominent and fastest growing natural health and nutritional science advisories.

Over the last few years I've published DOZENS of special FREE reports like this one...

Which have helped more than 115,000 men and women overcome “unsolvable” health challenges that mainstream medicine simply didn’t have the answers for.

And almost every day I receive heart-warming messages from grateful clients...

Who are overjoyed with how our trusted recommendations have helped them with all sorts of health challenges...

Like poor digestion... blood pressure issues... weight struggles... and even joint pain...

Without ever depending on expensive doctor visits... or relying on any dangerous drugs.

But the reason I’m writing THIS report is to share the MOST exciting discovery I’ve made in my career so far...

A simple, quick, easy, and natural way to support stable blood sugar...

While providing the cells of your body with the abundant energy they need for optimal health.

And That Discovery Started With A Phone Call
From One Of The People I Love Most... My Mom

Blood Sugar Levels Needed To Be Monitored.

As soon as I heard my mother’s voice on the line... I knew something was wrong.

She’d been feeling weak and tired for a few weeks...

So she went to the doctor to get checked out...

And came back with some very concerning news.

Her blood sugar levels were high and needed to be monitored.

Obviously as a health researcher I knew this wasn’t something to take lightly.

And since you’re here reading this...

You likely already understand how dangerous having high blood sugar can be.

In fact you’re probably already aware...

  • How uncontrolled blood sugar can damage blood vessels and increase the risks of heart disease, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues...
  • How it can cause nerve damage in your hands or feet that triggers tingling and numbness...
  • How it can lead to kidney failure... vision loss and blindness... amputated limbs... or even an early death...

Needless to say...

My mother was freaked out by her test results.

Advice Of Switching Up Her Diet.

So she immediately followed the doctor’s advice of switching up her diet.

She started cutting out sugars and carbs and eating more lean meats and vegetables...

Hoping that would correct the issue.

But as millions of people with erratic blood sugar have found out...

Changing your diet doesn’t always work.

And in the weeks that followed...

Her Symptoms Started Getting WORSE...

Her fatigue and brain fog became more intense...

She started suffering mood swings...

She felt thirsty all the time...

She needed to run to the bathroom more and more...

She started feeling a cold tingling in her hands...

She constantly felt hungry and started experiencing severe cravings...

And she even noticed that she was gaining weight.

So she went back for a follow-up visit...

And this time, her numbers were off the charts.

So her doctor did what he was trained to do.

He pulled out his pad and wrote her a prescription for a popular blood sugar drug known for some really nasty side effects.

That’s when I knew I needed to step in.

Symptoms Started Getting Worse.

Because Finding A Safe, Natural Way
To Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Had
Already Been On My List Of Things To Tackle...

Red Alert.

But watching this nasty condition suddenly threaten the life of someone I love made it my BIGGEST priority.

This became a RED ALERT situation for me...

So not only did I direct all my personal attention towards tackling this blood sugar issue...

I actually redirected company resources towards it as well.

You see...

My company here at Peak Biome has unbelievable resources
that very few other people or companies have...

  • We have an in-house Doctor Of Pharmacy with more degrees and knowledge about the human body than most people could ever comprehend...
  • We have access to the most current, prestigious medical journals and research papers in the world...
  • And we have direct access to several doctors, functional medicine practitioners and natural health researchers who’ve dedicated their entire lives to discovering new, innovative ways to tackle widespread health issues...

That’s why over 115,000 people around the world have trusted us to help them solve their most frustrating health issues...

And it’s what allowed us to discover the amazing blood sugar breakthrough I’m about to share with you today.

But in order for you to understand how much of a true game-changer this is...

We need to clear up some common misconceptions about high blood sugar.

Starting with...

Why Cutting Carbs Usually ISN’T
The Best Way To Stabilize Your Blood Sugar...

Cutting Carbs.

After all, that’s the first thing doctors tell you to do, right?

They run some tests...

See that your blood sugar levels are high...

And immediately advise you to start cutting down on the carbs.

That means you have to give up the breads... the pastas... the sweets... and other delicious foods that make life fun.

Because unfortunately our bodies don’t listen to logical arguments.

They follow BIOlogical programming.

And according to researchers from Harvard Medical School...

The cells of our body are programmed to UTILIZE glucose as their preferred fuel source.

That’s what produces the energy our cells need to function.

In other words...

Glucose Is Necessary For Keeping Us
Alive And Healthy...

It’s the primary source of energy for our brains...

It’s a necessary component of a functioning nervous system...

It’s needed to make our muscles contract...

And it’s also used by key organs such as our liver... our kidneys... and even our hearts.

In fact...

Our bodies start breaking down and dying without sufficient amounts of available glucose.

So when you suddenly start limiting your intake of glucose by eliminating carbs...

That can often send your body into PANIC mode.

It starts thinking your cells are going to starve.

And according to the smart folks at the New York Academy of Sciences...

Panic Mode.

Your Body Has A Built-In Defense System Designed To Prevent You From Running Out Of Glucose..

Uncontrolled Weight Gain.

So even if you ruthlessly cut carbs and follow a high-protein diet...

Your body can adapt to start breaking down the protein you eat...

And turn THAT into glucose.

Then if your body detects that it STILL doesn’t have enough glucose available for its cells...

It starts breaking down your muscle tissue...

Bringing your metabolism to a screeching halt...

Trapping you in a vicious cycle of uncontrolled weight gain.

THIS is why it’s practically impossible to lose weight while you have erratic blood sugar.


A lot of this newly broken down glucose can still get trapped in your blood which creates erratic blood sugar.

Doesn’t that make so much sense?

This explains why SO many people don’t see results when they cut carbs...

And it also explains why study after study shows that
a high carb diet alone doesn’t cause blood sugar issues...

  • One study explains why the amount of carbs/sugar you eat doesn’t really matter as long as the cells in your body can “vacuum” the glucose inside your bloodstream. It also explains why this ability to vacuum glucose from your bloodstream is the key to staying effortlessly thin!
  • Another study explains how the real problem with blood sugar isn’t the sugar in your diet, but the insulin sensitivity of your cells. This explains why some people easily stay slim with no blood sugar problems... no matter what they eat... because their natural “vacuum” works like it should.
  • And here, world-renowned nutrition expert Dr. Thomas Guilliams reviews several studies confirming that it’s your natural “vacuum”, not a high sugar diet, that determines how stable or erratic your blood sugar is...

And it also explains why the little-known country of Benin has the LOWEST diabetes rates on the planet even though their diets revolve around rice and other carb-heavy foods (more on this later).

Because it addresses the WRONG problem!

You see...

Having High Blood Sugar Doesn’t Mean
There’s Too Much Glucose In Your Body...
It Means It’s In The Wrong Spot!

As I mentioned, every cell in your body NEEDS glucose to function.

It’s just like gas for a car.

It can’t drive without it.

But here’s where the problem comes in...

Glucose is supposed to be inside your cells, NOT in your bloodstream.

So you can say that erratic blood sugar is like an internal traffic jam where the sugar just sits in your bloodstream and clogs up the highway...

That’s why having high blood sugar can be so dangerous...

Because it signals that the cells in your muscles... your brain... your kidneys... your liver... and all the other important organs required for keeping you alive... AREN’T getting the fuel they need.

That’s the reason having high blood sugar can...

Make You Feel Cranky.

Make you feel cranky...

Make you feel hungry.

Make you feel hungry...

Cause heart palpitations.

Cause heart palpitations...

Cause blurry vision.

Cause blurry vision...

Cause nasty tingling in your nerves.

Cause nasty tingling
in your nerves...

Cause you to faint.

Cause you to faint...

Because with high blood sugar, your cells are being “SHUT OUT” from the nutrients they need to function correctly.

In essence...

Your Body Is Being STARVED At A Cellular Level!

And if you want to stabilize your blood sugar...

You need to address this “traffic jam” problem.

Not necessarily by taking in less glucose...

But by helping to transport the trapped glucose from your blood into your actual cells.

That’s why your pancreas secretes insulin.

It’s supposed to scoop up the excess glucose in your bloodstream and deliver it to your cells.

Cellular Level.

But Here’s The Problem With Insulin...

Since your cells are so valuable to your body...

They have a built-in security system designed to screen foreign toxins from getting inside.

Fresh And Clean Glucose.

Think of your cells as rooms at an exclusive high-end luxury hotel.

Well this “security system” acts as the hotel doorman...

Who makes sure that the only things that get buzzed up to the room are the guests that belong there.

So if the doorman sees fresh, clean glucose that your cells are waiting for...

He lets those “glucose guests” through...

And they’re allowed to come up and join the party.

But here’s the issue...

When you have too much “stuck” glucose sitting in your blood for too long...

And that glucose starts mixing in with proteins, fats, and other substances that pass through your bloodstream...

It Becomes What’s Known

The scientific term for this is “advanced glycation end products”...

And it’s what happens when the excess sugar floating in your blood attaches itself to the vulnerable cells throughout your body.

Toxic Sugar.

And not only is this harmful to your cells...

By having the potential to cause serious inflammation...

And oxidative damage that can rust your body...

But this “Toxic Sugar” can also play a dangerous role in developing erratic blood sugar.

Simply put... it’s really bad news for your cells.

So when your cells’ security system sees this Toxic Sugar lurking in your blood... And treats it like a hotel guest that’s obnoxiously drunk, rowdy, and looking for trouble.

So now you have a scenario where...

  1. Insulin is trying to transport this toxic sugar into your cells...
  2. But your cells’ security system is blocking it from doing so...
  3. Which wears out your pancreas, making it harder and harder to even produce insulin...
  4. And over time your cells can’t get enough glucose and begin to starve and die, leading to complications such as nerve damage, vision issues, kidney malfunction, weight gain, and dozens of other side effects...

I’m sure you can see how destructive and dangerous that could be.

And it explains why blood sugar issues typically develop over a period of months or even years.

Because as your pancreas wears out and produces less insulin...

It becomes harder and harder to deliver glucose to your cells... AT ALL.

The bottom line is...

This Toxic Sugar Is The Main Reason
For Erratic Blood Sugar Because It
Triggers Your Cells To “Refuse” Glucose!

That means your blood sugar numbers are likely to become erratic and unstable...

Because the glucose in your blood can’t get into your cells.

And until you remove this toxic sugar...

Your pancreas only gets more and more tired...

Producing less and less insulin.

It’s actually really simple if you think about it...

And I hope what you’ve read so far has given you a few “aha’s” to help you understand why most people have such a hard time maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

But luckily...

Cells Refuse Glucose.

There Are Only TWO Things You Need To Do
To Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar
And Regain Your Peace Of Mind...

And you need to follow BOTH steps if you want lasting results.


Is to clear the “Toxic Sugar” from your bloodstream and remove the sticky sludge that’s so harmful to your cells. That’s what we just discussed.


Is to signal to your cells that it’s OK to end the lockdown so those cells start accepting glucose deposits again.

Let’s go back to our hotel analogy to help this sink in...

FIRST, you want to send in the cleaning crew to remove the bad guests (AKA remove excess sugar from your bloodstream)...

THEN you want to help the doorman end the lockdown and reset the door locks for the right guests (AKA allow glucose back into your cells)...

That’s how you get lasting results.

YES... you need to clear the “Toxic Sugar” from your blood.

But if your cells remain in “Glucose Lockdown” mode...

It’s only a matter of time before your blood gets overloaded with sugar again.

So the key is to clean out the “Toxic Sugar...”

AND reset the locks on your cell doors so fresh glucose can start getting INTO those cells instead of continuing to build up in your blood.

Now the good news is...

Accomplishing Both Of These Crucial Steps
Is A Lot Easier Than It Sounds!

That’s why I was so excited to publish this special report for you...

It’s why I told you that the blood sugar breakthrough I’m going to share with you today was the MOST exciting discovery of my entire health researching career.

Because this discovery gives you all the support you need...

To both vacuum “Toxic Sugar” out of your bloodstream...

And reset the “Glucose Lock” so that your cells can start absorbing glucose again.

The best part is you can accomplish this...

  • WITHOUT swearing off delicious carbs or making other changes to your diet...
  • WITHOUT becoming some fitness buff who lives in the gym or has to “walk it off” every time you finish a meal...
  • WITHOUT having to poke yourself with needles all the time...

Because literally ALL you have to do...

Is this simple 10-second bedtime ritual after your last meal of the day...

Blood Sugar Cleaning Crew.

And let the unique, research-backed ingredients go to work FOR you...

Activating your body’s “Blood Sugar Cleaning Crew...”

And its locksmiths that can help reset the “Glucose Lock” of your cells...

All while you sleep peacefully in bed.

And I’m Going To List ALL The Ingredients
Of This Bedtime Ritual For You Right Now...

All I ask in return...

Is for you to respect the immense amount of scientific research that went into this recipe.

Because these ingredients were chosen for very specific reasons.

They all serve VITAL functions for helping to remove “Toxic Sugar” from your blood...

And to help reset the “Glucose Lock” on your cells.

These ingredients are designed to work TOGETHER in specific amounts.

Most importantly...

These ingredients are designed to work TOGETHER in specific amounts.

So if you’re serious about putting your blood sugar worries behind you...

Then you can’t start cherry picking certain ingredients or making changes to this formula.

You have to follow the recipe as it’s designed.

That’s the ONLY way I can be fully confident that this will work for you.

So as long as you agree to that... then I’m happy to help you.

Fair enough?

Great... let’s dive in.

Ingredient #1

The Tropical African “Sugar Destroyer”

The first ingredient of this bedtime ritual comes all the way from the tropical African nation of Benin.

Known as the birthplace of “Voodoo Magic”...

Voodoo Magic.

Benin is unfortunately one of the poorest nations in the world.

Because of its extreme poverty, the locals of Benin live on a diet that consists almost entirely of cheap starches like rice, flour, corn maize meal, and many other simple sugars.

Yet despite these dietary limitations...

Blood sugar problems in Benin are virtually nonexistent.

In fact...

Benin Has The Lowest Rate Of Diabetes
Of Any Country On Earth...

And a major reason why is because of the usage of a special climbing plant that grows in the region.

It’s called Gymnema Sylvestre...

But it’s more commonly known as “The Sugar Destroyer...”

Because this medicinal superplant has several unique blood sugar benefits.

The Sugar Destroyer.


This “Sugar Destroyer” is shown to activate and even help regenerate your body’s built-in “blood cleaners...

”Which are specialized “Islet” cells in your pancreas that help “VACUUM” Toxic Sugar out of your bloodstream.

Which, as you now know, is extremely important.


To further prevent this “Toxic Sugar” load from building up in your blood...

“The Sugar Destroyer” can ALSO block the sugar receptors in your intestines.

This means...

According to multiple peer-reviewed medical studies...

Gymnema Sylvestre Can Actually Prevent
Some Of The Sugars And Carbs You Eat From Getting Absorbed Into Your Bloodstream...,

That explains why the Benin locals are able to survive on a nearly “all carb” diet without experiencing blood sugar issues.

Because with regular usage of this superplant...

They can actually stop a lot of these carbohydrates from getting digested and absorbed.

And when you use Gymnema Sylvestre...

It can actually give you leeway to add more delicious carbs to your diet...

While lowering the chances of those carbs leading to weight gain or messing up your blood sugar.

Nasty Sugar Cravings.

And in case you’re worried about “overdoing” it and eating too much...

Gymnema Sylvestre can help with that, too.

Because this plant is actually shown to BIND to sugar receptors in your body...

Which can help shut down nasty sugar cravings.

Plus... Gymnema is also LOADED with antioxidants that can help support a healthy inflammatory response caused by Toxic Sugar.

And as powerful as Gymnema can be on its own...

Its effects are AMPLIFIED when combined with the next ingredient...

Ingredient #2

The Purple Blood Sugar
“Vacuuming” Flower From The Philippines

Queen's Flower.

Also known as the “Queen’s Flower... ”

Banaba Leaf has been helping with blood sugar issues in Southeastern Asia for centuries.

And when my team and I started diving into the scientific studies around this majestic flower... it was easy to see WHY it’s gained such a strong reputation.

Because Banaba Leaf is packed with a powerful nutrient called Corosolic Acid.

In a double-blind, placebo controlled study...

Middle-aged men who consumed Corosolic Acid from Banaba for just 2 weeks...

Were able to significantly lower blood glucose levels while simultaneously INCREASING their cells’ abilities to process glucose.

This “Double Action” Effect Is What
Allows Corosolic Acid To Act So Quickly...

According to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology...

Many of the participants who were given Corosolic Acid were able to significantly lower their blood sugar levels within just 30 minutes...

And ALL of the treated patients were able to significantly reduce their blood glucose levels within 60 minutes.

Even more impressively...

Another study showed that Corosolic Acid helped them lower blood glucose levels by a whopping 30% in just 14 days.

Corosolic Acid With Gymnema.

Plus... it also helps support weight loss, too.

Because additional studies showed that Corosolic Acid helped subjects consistently lower their blood sugar levels by double-digits...

While ALSO dropping 13.2 pounds over 12 weeks when combining Corosolic Acid with Gymnema and other natural ingredients.

But perhaps the MOST important benefit of Banaba Leaf...

Is its specific ability to “VACUUM” harmful Toxic Sugar out of your bloodstream...

And then helping to reset the “Glucose Lock” on your cells...

So they can start pulling glucose out of your blood and use that glucose to power your body.

That’s why Banaba Leaf is such an important component of this special blood sugar concoction.

Which becomes even more effective when adding...

Ingredient #3

Nature’s David That Humiliated
Big Pharma’s Goliath In A Blood Sugar Duel

Mahonia Natural Evergreen Shrub.

In a recent 3-month head-to-head study of adults...

Mahonia, a natural evergreen shrub grown in the Pacific Northwest...

Clashed with one of Big Pharma’s most popular diabetes drugs...

And was shown to be JUST as effective at helping to manage blood sugar.

But while the “Big Pharma” patients are known to suffer from nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, muscle weakness and other drawbacks...

Those who used this safe natural “underdog” didn’t show ANY side effects.

What makes Mahonia so effective?

Alkaloid Compound Called Berberine.

Well, it’s rich in an alkaloid compound called Berberine...

Which was shown to ACTIVATE your body’s islet cells that “VACUUM” Toxic Sugar...

While reducing the amount of glucose released by your liver at night...

Which helps these “Vacuum” Cells do their job even more effectively.

In fact...

Studies have shown that Berberine can even help PREVENT the glucose in your blood from turning “Toxic” in the first place... While protecting your cells from oxidative stress.

And like the other ingredients...

Berberine ALSO helps to reset the “Glucose Lock” on your cells.

(Are you seeing the pattern yet?)

It can even DIRECTLY activate glucose transporters that help glucose get INTO your cells...

Which can help supercharge your health.

So Berberine is an important part of this process, just like this next ingredient...

Ingredient #4

The Sri Lankan “Carb Silencer”

Salacia Reticulata.

It’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years...

But now the science is finally catching up to the legends.

Because studies have shown that Salacia Reticulata, a powerful Sri Lankan plant...

Helps to maintain healthy blood sugar even after heavy meals...

By DISABLING certain enzymes in your body that affect how your body processes glucose.

This allows carbohydrates to pass through your digestive system undigested...

Without being absorbed into your bloodstream.

And this is part of the reason why this Salacia Reticulata helps you manage your blood sugar...

Without having to change your diet or obsess over every little thing you eat.

Next we have...

Ingredient #5

The Harvard-Backed Heart Helper
That LOVES Your Toenails

Harvard researchers who studied 51,529 people aged 40-75...

Were able to assess their risk of suffering a devastating blood sugar related heart attack...

By simply analyzing their toenails.

Sounds crazy, right?

Glucose Lock.

Well it all came down to the presence of this ONE key mineral:


Those who were labeled “high-risk” had an average of 46% less chromium in their samples.

And the reason that’s important is because Chromium is shown to significantly improve both cholesterol and triglycerides.

Chromium has also been shown to improve blood sugar control...

By helping to reset the “Glucose Lock” on your cells just like the other ingredients we’ve discussed today.

And those effects can be amplified even further if you add our next ingredient...

Ingredient #6

The Science-Backed Spicy Sweetener
That Actually Lowers Blood Sugar...

Ceylon Cinnamon Cassia.

It’s called Ceylon Cinnamon...

And it’s NOT the type you’re going to find at your local supermarket.

The typical cinnamon sitting in your cupboard right now is called “Cassia” cinnamon...

And while it might taste great (if you like cinnamon)...

It doesn’t do much for your health.

If you’re taking cinnamon to support healthy blood sugar you want to use Ceylon cinnamon...

Because this mildly sweet “super cinnamon” is loaded with tiny crystals called Cinnamaldehydes.

This allows Ceylon Cinnamon to help “slow” the rate at which food leaves your intestines...

Which helps to maintain healthy blood sugar even after meals.

And like the other ingredients discussed today...

Ceylon Cinnamon helps reset the “Glucose Lock...”

And supports transporting healthy glucose from your bloodstream into your cells.

Now finally we have...

Ingredient #7

The Battle-Tested Antioxidant
That Neutralizes Toxic Sugar Damage

Vitamin C.

I’m talking about good ole-fashioned Vitamin C.

As a powerful antioxidant, studies have shown that Vitamin C can help prevent the formation of “Toxic Sugar” by up to 73%.

It can also help protect your cells by supporting a healthy inflammatory response caused by “Toxic Sugar...”

Which helps reset the “Glucose Lock...”

And supports an environment where your cells can start pulling glucose out of your bloodstream again.

So There You Have It...

Those are the 7 key ingredients of this bedtime ritual.

As you can see...

EACH of these ingredients was chosen for very specific purposes...

All based on extensive scientific research from some of the smartest people on this planet.

These ingredients have a synergistic effect where they work together as a cohesive team to help support stable, healthy blood sugar.

So once again...

If you want to put your blood sugar worries behind you...

Then it’s important that you use the EXACT ingredients I mentioned today...

Especially because you need very specific AMOUNTS of each of these ingredients to get the results you’re after.

That’s why my team and I were excited to share this recipe with you.


We quickly realized that simply sharing this recipe might not be good enough.

Extensive Scientific Research.

Because There Are A Few Challenges
That Might Prevent You
From Being Able To Do This Bedtime Ritual...

First... a lot of these ingredients are pretty rare and hard to find.

To duplicate this formula, you would have to source ingredients from...

Africa Landscape.


Sri Lanka Landscape.

Sri Lanka...

The Philippines Landscape.

The Philippines...

The Pacific Northwest Landscape.

The Pacific Northwest...

Which means you would have to find reliable suppliers of these ingredients.

Then you’d have to convince these top quality suppliers to actually sell them to you...

Which would be hard because the best suppliers don’t usually deal with the public directly.

And it’s important you deal with the best suppliers...

Because if you want life-changing results...

Then you need to use the HIGHEST QUALITY ingredients.

If you try to pick up these ingredients on places like Amazon or the local health food store...

Highest Quality.

You’re likely going to be extremely disappointed.

Because a lot of the supplement companies out there use cheap, low-grade ingredients that lack the necessary purity and potency...


Even if you ARE able to find reliable high-quality versions...

The costs might be hard to swallow.

Because you see...

Gathering Up All The Necessary Ingredients
For A Monthly Supply Of This Bedtime Ritual
Can Easily Set You Back Hundreds Of Dollars...

Remember how I mentioned earlier how my company has access to resources that the general public doesn’t?

Well because of those connections and resources...

We have a lot of “buying power” and can source all of these ingredients...

  • In the right amounts based on actual scientific studies to make sure you get similar results...
  • Put them through rigorous testing to ensure they’re of the highest possible quality...
  • And make them conveniently easy to take on a daily basis...

For a FRACTION of the price it would cost someone without all those connections and resources.

I knew it would be impossible for most people to spend hundreds of dollars every month on this...

So after months of research and testing...

My world-class formulation team at Peak Biome figured out how to put all of these amazing ingredients together...

To help remove “toxic sugar”...

Vacuum glucose out of your body and into your cells where it belongs...

At an affordable price...

Putting your mind at ease by erasing your blood sugar worries...

In just 10 seconds a day!

And what I love most is that there are...

No restrictive diets.

No restrictive diets...

No exhausting exercise programs.

No exhausting exercise programs...

No expensive doctor visits.

No expensive doctor visits...

No dangerous prescription drugs.

No dangerous prescription drugs...

Pretty amazing right?

We thought so too which is why we decided to bring this unique, innovative formula to people just like you.

It’s Called


And It Gives You ALL The
Blood Sugar Support You Need...
In Just 10 Seconds A Day!

Gluco Calm Package.

GlucoCalm was created using all 7 of the ingredients we’ve discussed today.

It’s the ONLY blood sugar support formula ever created
that’s specifically designed to...

  1. Help “VACUUM” Toxic Sugar out of your bloodstream...
  2. Help to “reset” the Glucose Switch on your body’s cells so those cells start soaking up glucose again...
  3. Help your body support a natural inflammatory response to keep you safe...
  4. Help maintain healthy blood sugar levels even after heavy meals...
  5. Help support proper glucose absorption to maintain proper levels in your bloodstream...

And by now...

You understand that BOTH of those steps are absolutely ESSENTIAL when it comes to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Which is why GlucoCalm is the only natural blood sugar support solution you can actually RELY on.

Because GlucoCalm gives you the highest-quality, research-backed ingredients...

In their purest, most potent form...

Delivered in the most EFFICIENT possible manner.

As I mentioned earlier...

Developing GlucoCalm Was
Extremely Expensive And Time-Consuming...

Extremly Expensive And Time Consuming.

But since I made this formulation with my own family in mind...

I knew that the extra expenses were WORTH it.

Because when it comes to your life...

Or the life of the people you love...

There’s no room to cut corners.

Because when it comes to something as serious as blood sugar issues...

We go ALL-IN.

That means...

  • Researching for months to discover THE most scientifically-researched ingredients that target the root cause of erratic blood sugar...
  • In similar amounts to the studies used, which is something VERY few of our competitors do (it’s actually disturbing how low-quality most products are these days)...
  • And spending thousands of dollars testing each ingredient to ensure it’s the highest possible quality and purity...

Simply put...

There’s nothing else like GlucoCalm out there.

It’s the ONE formula that you can rely on...

To provide your body with the support it needs...

To help “vacuum” excess glucose OUT of your bloodstream... and into your cells... so it can be used as energy.

Free From Blood Sugar Worries.

That’s what GlucoCalm is designed to do.

GlucoCalm has the power to free you from your blood sugar worries...

So you can STOP stressing and start LIVING again.

And right now... on this website only...

I Want To Give You The Chance
To Try GlucoCalm For A Fraction Of The Price
I Initially Planned To Charge The Public...

A Lot Of Money Into Researching And Developing.

Like I mentioned...

GlucoCalm is a PREMIUM solution.

We invested a LOT of money into researching and developing this product.

And producing GlucoCalm is both time-consuming and expensive.

The ingredients come from pristine and exotic locations.

Plus we pay extra money to a third-party laboratory to test every single batch of GlucoCalm for purity and potency...

Ensuring that the only ingredients in the formula are the research-backed ingredients that are supposed to be in there.

Gluco Calm Single Bottle.

So with all that considered...

I think $97 for a month’s supply of GlucoCalm is a fair and reasonable price.

That’s just $3.23 a day...

For the freedom to put your blood sugar worries behind you...

Without having to obsess over every little thing you eat...

And without having to sign up for a lifetime of being pricked with needles.

So when you think of it that way...

We can both agree that paying $97 for a bottle of GlucoCalm seems like an incredible bargain.

I mean, if you tried to source all the ingredients in GlucoCalm individually...

That could EASILY cost you $300 for a month’s supply.

So in comparison, GlucoCalm is a great deal.

But even though that’s true...

I’m also a realist.

I’m very in touch with my customers.

Special Limited Time Offer.

I know the times we’re living in and how expensive everything has gotten lately.

So I realize that charging $97 a bottle might put GlucoCalm out of reach for a lot of people who could benefit from it.

That’s why I’m NOT going to charge you $97 to try out a bottle of GlucoCalm today.

Because on this page only...

As part of a special limited time offer...

I’m Giving You The Chance To Try
A Bottle Of GlucoCalm For HALF That Price...

That’s right...

Just $49.95 a bottle!

This isn’t some pricing gimmick. I’m taking a risk offering GlucoCalm to the public at such a discount...

Because honestly between our product cost, shipping cost, employees, research, and all the other million expenses that go into selling a product...

We’re making practically ZERO money at that price (and actually losing some in many cases).

My hope is that once you become a customer and see that we truly care about you as a human being...

You’ll end up ordering some of our other products and telling your friends about us.

Maybe that’s a bad business decision...

But it’s how I believe people should treat their customers...

So that’s what we’re doing.

Half Of Price.

So when you choose our 6 or 3 month supply...

I’ll even pass those ADDITIONAL savings onto you as well.

That means you can stock up and enjoy a 3-month supply of GlucoCalm for just $39.95 per bottle...

Or make a smart decision and get our 6-month supply for just $29.95 per bottle, plus FREE U.S. shipping.

That’s less than $1 a day!

In fact...

I STRONGLY Encourage You To
Take Advantage Of Our Special
6 Bottle Discount...

Gluco Calm 6 Bottles Best Value.

Because not only are the ingredients in GlucoCalm shown to be MORE effective the longer you use it...

And give you peace of mind as it continues to support healthy blood sugar for as long as you take it...

But as demand for GlucoCalm rises...

It’s becoming harder and harder to keep this formula in stock.

And since we ONLY use the highest quality ingredients available...

Every time we run out of GlucoCalm, it can take us weeks or even months to get more bottles back in.

Unfortunately because our products are such high quality...

We run out of stock VERY often.

I’d hate to see you get amazing results only to come back to reorder...

And you can’t!

Plus a lot of these ingredients are becoming MORE expensive.

So even if we do have more GlucoCalm available for you when it’s time to reorder...

We might be FORCED to raise the price.

That’s why it makes sense to stock up on 6 bottles of GlucoCalm today... at the LOWEST possible price.

Because that gives you the best results AND the biggest savings.

Choose The 6 Bottle Package.

So go ahead and choose the 6 bottle package...

Or whatever package is right for you right now.

As soon as you select a package...

You’ll be taken straight to our fully secure checkout page (which uses the same kind of security you’d find on sites like Amazon)...

Then just enter your details... and you’re done.

The whole process takes under 60 seconds.

Then, our team will get to work shipping your GlucoCalm right to your door.

Choose Your Package Of GlucoCalm Right Now
While We Still Have Bottles in Stock

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

Money-Back Guarantee.

Plus You’re Protected By My
6-Month, 100% Money-Back
“Healthy Blood Sugar” Guarantee!

My goal here is simple...

I want to make sure you're happy and confident with your order.

I know you've probably tried a million things in the past that haven't worked for you.

So I don't expect you to say yes to GlucoCalm right away.

All I’m asking is that you say "maybe" to GlucoCalm today.

Just try it out.

Use GlucoCalm as instructed and let it give you the peace of mind you deserve.

See what kind of impact it has on your blood sugar and your energy levels.

Because when you try it, I KNOW you’ll agree that GlucoCalm was one of the smartest investments you've ever made.

If not you contact us at any time in the next 6 months (our contact info is on the bottle, on our website, in each email, and many other places)...

For a full, prompt 100% refund of your order.

Either GlucoCalm gives you the healthy blood sugar support I promised... or it doesn’t cost you a dime.

It’s that simple.

So You Literally Have
Nothing To Lose Here Today...

EXCEPT your unwanted blood sugar worries.

But you can put those worries behind you forever...

When you select your package below...

And try GlucoCalm risk-free today...

At the lowest price it will EVER be offered at.

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

This Is Your Chance To Say Goodbye
To Worrying About Your Blood Sugar Levels
And Its Potential Problems...

Because living a life...

Where you’re constantly terrified over what kind of food you’re eating...

And how that food is going to affect you?

That’s not much of a life at all.

I don’t want you to feel like there’s a ticking time bomb inside your body that can go off at any time.

I don’t want you to feel like a human pincushion who has to rely on painful needles all the time just to remain “normal.”

Gluco Calm 6 Bottles.

I want to help you live a NORMAL life.

An enjoyable life.

A life FREE from blood sugar worries.

That’s why I created GlucoCalm.

To help members of MY family put their blood sugar worries behind them.

And when you try GlucoCalm today... You become part of my extended family.

You’re getting access to the same quality formula I’d give my own mother.

And all the support needed to help you feel like your healthiest, most confident self.

I want to EMPOWER you.

I don’t want to scare you by talking about all the potential complications that can come from letting your blood sugar get out of control...

The nerve damage... the cardiovascular risks... the vision loss... the amputations.

You likely already KNOW that it isn’t a pretty picture.

And that’s why I want to help you AVOID that kind of future.

GlucoCalm can help you do that.

It gives you the science-backed support...

To help vacuum “Toxic Sugar” OUT of your blood...

And drive fresh glucose INTO your cells... where it belongs.

That means GlucoCalm can help you get healthier numbers...

Higher energy levels...

And the amazing peace of mind that comes with having stable blood sugar levels.

Plus... GlucoCalm gives you that peace of mind...

  • WITHOUT having to give up all the foods you love or obsessing over every little thing you eat...
  • WITHOUT having to spend hours in the gym...
  • WITHOUT inconveniencing yourself with constant doctor visits...

Because supporting your blood sugar levels with GlucoCalm takes just 10 seconds.

And it’s literally guaranteed to deliver results for you...

Or you don’t have to pay a DIME for it.

Because all orders are protected by our 6 month, “Healthy Blood Sugar” 100% money-back guarantee.

So there’s nothing to lose here...

Except all the stress and worry your blood sugar has been causing you.

So it’s time to put that worry behind you.

Click below...

Choose the 6 bottle package of GlucoCalm...

(Or whatever package is right for you)

And take advantage of this special limited time discount...

To get ALL the healthy blood sugar support you need.

Choose Your Package Of GlucoCalm Right Now
While We Still Have Bottles in Stock

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does GlucoCalm Work?

GlucoCalm is a safe, natural blood sugar support supplement that contains research-backed ingredients shown to support healthy blood sugar levels.

GlucoCalm is the ONLY sugar support supplement that’s specifically designed to…

Help “escort” sugar out of your bloodstream…

Help “retrain” your cells to be more responsive to insulin so they can absorb sugar out of your blood and use it for energy.

Both of those steps are ESSENTIAL if you want to support healthy blood sugar levels over the long-term.

Exactly what ingredients are inside GlucoCalm?

Here’s a picture of the label so you can see for yourself...

Gluco Calm Label.

Are there any side effects with GlucoCalm?

One of the great things about GlucoCalm is that it uses natural ingredients that have been studied extensively.

GlucoCalm doesn’t contain any drugs...

It’s built around plants, vitamins, minerals and superfoods...

Which means it’s generally well-tolerated.

But if you have any concerns or serious health conditions, or if you’re on certain medications, feel free to consult with your doctor for added peace of mind.

Where is GlucoCalm manufactured?

Even though GlucoCalm contains many exotic ingredients...

Sourced from premium suppliers around the globe...

GlucoCalm is manufactured right here in the United States...

Under the strictest possible standards...

At a state-of-the-art facility that is both FDA registered and cGMP certified.

Plus, every bottle of GlucoCalm is independently tested by a third-party laboratory to ensure both potency and purity.

How do I take GlucoCalm?

That’s easy. Just follow the instructions on the bottle :)

How do I know GlucoCalm is going to work for me?

Here at PeakBiome, we only produce world-class formulations supported by scientific research.

To date, our formulas have already helped over 115,000 people.

And GlucoCalm is our most EXCITING discovery to date.

That said... GlucoCalm is protected by a 6 month, 100% “Healthy Blood Sugar” money-back guarantee.

Which means you get to try GlucoCalm at ZERO risk.

And you’re guaranteed to love the results...

Or you can contact our U.S. based customer support team... and send any unopened bottles back for a FULL REFUND.

OK, GlucoCalm sounds like a dream come true. How do I order?

It’s simple...

Just click the button below and choose whatever package of GlucoCalm is right for you...

(We recommend the 6-bottle package for the biggest savings. And to protect yourself from future “Out of Stock” risks.)

As soon as you do that, you’ll be taken to our fully-secure checkout page...

Which uses the same kind of encryption you’d find on sites like Amazon.

Then you just enter your order details...

Tell us where to send your shipment of GlucoCalm...

And our team will make sure to get your order shipped out to you ASAP.

Which means...

Starting in just a few days, you can put your blood sugar struggles behind you...

And get back to actually living your life again!

I’m so excited to help you make that happen.

So choose your package below now... and let’s get that GlucoCalm sent out to you right away... while we still have bottles of this life-changing formula in stock.

Choose Your GlucoCalm Package Below

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.