Urgent warning to anyone worried about high blood pressure... 

“Shocking New Research Reveals A Major Heart Attack Or Stroke Will Probably Start Inside THIS Spongy Organ... NOT Your Arteries”

A Major Heart Attack Or Stroke Will Probably Start Inside Your Lungs.

This shocking new discovery was first reported by one of America's most polarizing health reseachers...

It's something that is sending shockwaves throughout the medical community...

By proving that one of the root causes of high blood pressure has nothing to do with salty foods, lack of exercise, poor diet, smoking, or even drinking alcohol...

It has very little to do with the blood vessels fueling your heart or protecting your brain...

And everything to do with a different "spongy" organ you would have never thought of.

Garden Hose.

To understand how this could be, just picture a garden hose.

And then, imagine a small kink starting to form.

At first it’s just a little “blockage” that doesn’t seem like a big deal...

But what happens when that kink begins expanding...

Bulging, swelling, and pushing out...

Until not even a trickle of water can get through?

Well, we USED to think this is what happened in the brain or the heart...

But new research shows that this is actually more likely to happen inside this spongy organ...

But instead of one kink...

There could be hundreds or even thousands of microscopic kinks...

And each day they could be expanding like a pressure cooker...

Slowly and steadily clogging the blood flow to your heart...

Until one day, unexpectedly...


One Day It Erupts.

It makes me shiver.

Heart attacks and heart failure, strokes, vision and memory loss, brain bleeds, sexual dysfunction, chest pains...

Leaving your family “too early” and “too soon”...

These are too great of a risk to not take a moment to read this urgent warning.

Because as you’ll see in just a moment...

I'm about to share new life-saving research revealing the TRUE cause of high blood pressure...

Something that has NOTHING to do with your salt intake... your diet... your exercise program... or even things like cholesterol.

And yet, as scary as all of this is...

There IS hope because, in the next few minutes, I’ll also reveal...

The Little-Known Blood Pressure Secret
Recently Discovered When A British Farmer
Accidentally Dug Up A Forgotten 4,000-Year-Old
Recipe from Korea...

British Farmer.

It all started when a British farmer stumbled onto this long-lost recipe...

And realized it contained an incredibly effective heart-supporting ingredient that had been lost to the world for over 4,000 years.

You’re going to be absolutely amazed when you hear the full story about this ingredient and its discovery...

And I’ll share the full details in just a moment...

Plus, much more importantly...

You’re also going to see why a group of leading scientists now believe this same ancient Korean superfood could hold the key to helping you maintain perfectly balanced blood pressure...

While supporting healthy blood vessels, your heart, and many other organs throughout your body...

So that you can:

  1. STOP stressing out about your numbers (which only makes your problem worse)...
  2. STOP obsessing over every little bite of food you enjoy that’s supposedly “bad for you”...
  3. STOP relying on dangerous prescription bandaids that cause more harm than good...

And go back to enjoying life...

Where you once again have a strong, healthy, and resilient body...

Instead of feeling like you’re made of fragile eggshells that can give out on you at any time.

I promise I’ll share the specific details on how you can use this in your life today to enjoy perfectly balanced blood pressure.

But first...

Let Me Quickly Introduce Myself... 

My name is Dr. Casey Greene and I've spent my entire life and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning how the body works.

First, I got my bachelor's degree in health science and became a certified personal trainer and nutritional consultant. I loved nutrition and got huge satisfaction in helping hundreds of people over nearly a decade...

But I wanted to help even more, so I decided to become a clinical pharmacist.

In total I spent 8 long, intense, expensive years getting my Doctorate of Pharmacy because I truly wanted to help people. I even did a post-doctoral residency working with medical teams to become the best clinical pharmacist possible...

And at the time I believed that was the best path to succeeding.

But once I became a pharmacist, I realized that the "traditional" medicine path wasn't necessarily the best one. I was actually helping people more through nutritional consulting before I became a pharmacist. 

Because while traditional medicine is world class at DIAGNOSING illness and disease...

Our current medical system is setup to prescribe a dangerous, side-effect-laden pill for any and all problems you have. They don't do nutritional tests. They don't look at how your hormones might be affecting your symptoms. They barely even care about diet and exercise.

In fact if you asked most doctors how to actually heal the SOURCE of the problem you're facing, all you'll get is a blank stare. Because they're LITERALLY not taught how to heal the root source of a problem!

Because if you just think about it for a second...

Instead there is an underlying imbalance CAUSING the symptoms...

And the key to optimal health is as simple as identifying that root cause, and fixing it.

And that's why I spent another several years, and tens of thousands more dollars, becoming certified as a functional medicine practitioner.

It was through this training that I learned the other side of the equation... how to heal the ROOT source of problems.

Because your body is one integrated system, not a collection of independant parts. That means what affects one thing, affects another.

And that's why I'm so excited to reveal...

The Unexpected Organ That Might
Control Your Blood Pressure Even More
Than Your Heart And Arteries...

Your lungs.

Now I realize you've probably never heard that before so I wouldn't blame you for being skeptical...

Because to be honest, I was too when I first discovered it.

But then I read the MOUNTAINS of scientific research from some of today's brightest, most prestigious scientific universities...

Along with the tens of thousands of people who have already saved their lives because of what I'm about to share with you.

I promise I'll share ALL of that with you in just a moment so you can understand how it works and why it's CRUCIAL for anybody with high blood pressure to understand.

Because I truly believe this new discovery has the potential to bring new hope to the millions of Americans who suffer premature and unexpected deaths each year...

Along with debilitating hospitalizations that leave their families feeling helpless and powerless...

And as weird as it may sound...

It all started when I heard the bone-chilling story of a man I’d never even met...

Unexpected Organ.

How A Stranger’s Terrifying Heart Attack Helped
Me Realize That We’ve Been Getting Blood
Pressure Entirely WRONG...

My friend recently told me this devastating story about a man named Bob from Omaha, Nebraska.

Like millions of Americans each year...

Stuffy Nose.

He had been under the weather for weeks...

With a stuffy nose, a sore throat, and a nagging cough.

But when Bob’s wife, Lisa, suggested they postpone their 31st-anniversary dinner until he was feeling better...

He just laughed it off...

And while Bob didn’t know it at the time...

Going To Dinner That Night Was A Mistake
That Nearly Cost Him His Life...

Outside Anniversary Dinner.

Now, as my friend who told me this story explains it...

Bob was kind of a prideful man.

A former all-state football star with a jawline that could cut a diamond...

He viewed himself as being a tough dude...

And while Bob had slowed down over the years...

And packed on a few too many pounds...

By outside appearances Bob was doing pretty well for a man who’d just turned 63.

That’s why he wasn’t going to let a case of the sniffles ruin his anniversary with his high school sweetheart.

So that night...

Bob put on his best sports coat and drove his wife to their favorite steakhouse.

At First Everything Went Smoothly...

Fresh French Bread arrived at the table along with their favorite bottle of Merlot.

They put their appetizer orders in...

And for a brief moment...

As they stared into each other’s eyes...

And smiled...

The world outside seemed to stop.

They felt young again... carefree... like they could do anything.

But it didn’t last.


This Next Part Happened
So Damn Fast...

Heart Attack.

Bob was listening to his wife reminisce over last year’s trip to Spain...

When his head began to spin.

“It’s just this stupid cold” he thought.

But the spinning didn’t stop.

And now it was getting harder to breathe.

He tugged at his tie to loosen it up a bit.

Sweat started to pour down his forehead..

And he could see his wife’s lips moving, but had no idea what she was saying.

Everything became blurry...

And a stabbing pain struck Bob’s chest like he’d been shot by a 9mm.

“My heart!” he screamed as he grabbed his chest and collapsed off the chair.

Frozen by shock, the entire restaurant turned their attention to Bob...

While his panicked wife rushed to his side.

The last thing Bob remembered was his wife standing over him with tears in her eyes...

Hyperventilating, screaming, begging him not to die...

And Then Bob’s World Faded To Black...

Faded To Black.

After I heard that story about Bob...

I couldn’t get it out of my head.

Even though I’d never met the guy...

As a proud husband and father myself...

Who plans on being there for my family...

And watching my own kids and grandkids grow up...

Bob’s story really haunted me.

And while Bob must have had someone smiling down on him...

Because he survived this scare...

As a health advocate who’s helped over 115,000 Americans reclaim their health...

I knew Bob’s story was far from unusual.

Every year I hear WAY too many stories from people whose family members WEREN’T as fortunate.

One day, their relatives are healthy...

And Just Like That...
They’re Gone

No last words.

No last hug or kiss.

No chance to say goodbye.

It doesn’t seem to matter if they’re in their 40s... or their 80s...

Whether they’re male or female...

What color their skin is or where they live...

Because this silent killer doesn’t discriminate.

Silent Killer.

And The One Common Link Between All These
Sudden Deaths Was High Blood Pressure...

High Blood Pressure Levels.

I just didn’t want to be another one of those statistics.

I didn’t want anyone I knew to be one either.

And I didn’t want to leave my family grieving... or my wife struggling to pick up the pieces after I was gone.

I was already freaked out...

And then I found out that my own Mom had been warned by the doctor that her numbers were “making him nervous.”

Between Bob’s story and that news about my Mom...

Something inside me just snapped.

I became OBSESSED with finding the TRUTH about high blood pressure...

What REALLY causes it...

And HOW to make sure you maintain healthy blood pressure levels as quickly, easily, and safely as possible.

And what I found through my research was shocking...

Leading me to discover...

The Surprising Organ That
Secretly Causes High Blood Pressure
(It’s NOT Your Heart)

When I found out my Mom had the one health condition that kills more people than ANY other condition on Earth...

And the fact that she was terrified of what might happen...

I immediately stopped everything and did what I do best...


I tapped into every known resource I had at my disposal...

Including every scientific study I could get my hands on...

PhD level textbooks...

Multiple industry experts including both PhD’s and homeopathic doctors...

And even alternative medicine from the world’s oldest cultures.

And after months of exhaustive obsession and hundreds of hours of research...

There was one thing that was just glaringly apparent to me...

Exhaustive Research.

Most “Expert” Advice About
Controlling High Blood Pressure
Is Basically Just Made Up...

Avoid Salt.

I’m not being dramatic.

If you look into it...

Nearly everything that the “experts” out there say are the “right” things to do...

Don’t make any actual scientific sense.

Like the common advice to avoid salt.

For someone with high blood pressure, they talk about salt like it’s the Boogie Man...

And avoiding salt is one of the first things your doctor tells you to do when your numbers get high.

That sounds reasonable, except...

The idea that “salt causes high blood pressure” has very shaky origins.

It’s NOT rooted in real science.

Outdated Report For Heart Disease.

Instead, this myth started well over 100 years ago...

Based on a sloppy, extremely outdated report from 1904...

When French doctors reported that six (yes, only 6) of their subjects who had high blood pressure - a known risk factor for heart disease - loved salty foods.

In other words, they’re mixing correlation with causation.

That’s like saying breathing air causes death, because everyone who breathes air, dies.

And to make matters worse...

The second piece of “proof” happened again in the 1970s when a man named Lewis Dahl claimed to have “unequivocal proof” that salt causes high blood pressure after feeding rats (not humans) 500 GRAMS of salt per day.

That’s about 130x the amount a normal human eats!

Now I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t make sense to me...

Especially when you consider there is no actual evidence that consuming salt causes high blood pressure.

Yet even though there is no evidence that salt causes high blood pressure...

There's Compelling Science That Suggests
Salt Is Not A Significant Contributor
To High Blood Pressure...

In fact...

In one meta-analysis of 6,250 adults that was published in the American Journal of Hypertension (the premier scientific journal focused exclusively on blood pressure)...

Researchers found no strong evidence that cutting salt intake reduces the risk for heart attacks, strokes or death in people with normal or high blood pressure...

To the contrary...

There's even some science showing that limiting your salt intake may actually INCREASE risks of heart attacks.

Now to be clear...

I’m NOT saying to load your plate with salt.

I believe in keeping everything in moderation. And that’s where science also confirms it by saying it’s important to maintain a healthy BALANCE of salt in your diet.

And unfortunately the shocking discoveries didn’t stop there.

Because as someone who exercises 6 days a week and loves every second of it...

The next discovery shocked even me.

So let me explain...

Limiting Salt.

The Surprising (Non) Connection
Between High Blood Pressure And Exercise

Most Doctors Tell You Get More Exercise.

Most doctors will tell you that you need to get more exercise in...

And that doing things like cardio is crucial for a healthy heart.

Now obviously I recommend exercising because it’s great for your body...

But is it REALLY the cure-all it’s promoted as?

Well, a recent study published in the prestigious Biomed Research International medical journal found that not only do marathon runners STILL frequently suffer from high blood pressure...

But they also often have an ELEVATED risk of suffering cardiac events that lead to sudden death!

In other words...

This major study found that in many cases, runners’ excessive exercise sent them straight to the hospital...

Excessive Exercise.

Or the morgue.

So if you’ve been focusing on exercise...

HOPING that busting your butt in the gym...

Or on the treadmill...

Was going to make your blood pressure issues disappear...

Be careful!

Now again, I’m NOT saying to stop exercising.

It’s incredible for your body and I fully believe everyone should do it regularly.

All I’m saying is don’t RELY on exercise alone to keep your blood pressure in check...

And don’t overdo it.

Having said that...

If salt and a lack of exercise aren’t the real culprits behind some people’s high blood pressure...

Then what is?

That’s what I’m going to share right now...

And I’m so excited for you to get this vital, potential life-saving information.

So let’s discuss...

Why Your Lungs Are Actually The “Control Switch”
For Your Body’s Blood Pressure...

Body Blood Pressure.

Remember that guy Bob I told you about a few minutes ago?

And how he had a nagging cold on the night of his heart scare?

Well it turns out that those sniffles and sore throat...

Were actually a GLARING warning sign his blood pressure was out of control.

And it all goes back to the lungs.

Now I don’t know about you but I’ve never heard ANYBODY talk about this...

But it’s something I uncovered while reviewing a major study from scientists at the University of Missouri-Columbia...

And it changes everything we thought we knew about high blood pressure.

So let me explain.

You probably already know that the main job of your lungs is to take oxygen from the air we breathe...

Infuse that oxygen into our red blood cells...

Then circulate that oxygenated blood through your entire body...

Where it’s used by every single cell to function properly, produce energy, heal and regenerate.

Breathe air > oxygenate blood > transport oxygen-rich blood.

That’s how the process works.

And while you may not realize it...

10% Of Your Body’s Entire Blood Supply
Is Actually Stored Inside Your Lungs
At Any Given Point In Time...

Why so much?

Because that blood is basically sitting in your lungs...

Waiting to get oxygenated...

When Your Lungs Kink.

Before it’s sent off to your heart and other vital organs.

Now none of this is all that surprising...

But what those researchers from Missouri discovered next is...

It has to do with what happens when your lungs “kink”.

Now I’m sure you’ve experienced your garden hose kinking before...

And you know what happens when the hose kinks up.

The “flow” stops.

And what was once a steady stream of water fades into a trickle.

It turns out that this same phenomenon can also happen inside your lungs.

You see, your lungs are the frontlines of your immune system...

Which means they are constantly being assaulted by dangerous and inflammatory bacteria, toxins, particles and germs.

In fact..

The World Health Organization has found that, depending on the city you live in...

You Could Be Breathing In
220 MILLION Toxic Particles PER DAY...

Well over the course of months and years...

Between toxins, pollutants, bacteria and germs...

And all the other “bad stuff” that can assault your lungs...

It leads to heavy amounts of inflammation...

Which is what causes those “kinks” I’ve been talking about.

Toxic Particles.

And Here’s Where Things Get Scary...

Because if one of those kinks forms if your lungs...

Some of the blood being held in your lungs can get trapped.

And of course that blood can’t get to your heart, brain cells, kidney cells, prostate cells and all the other areas of your body that depend on healthy blood flow.

Now this happens at a near-microscopic level so you can’t notice it happening.

But what’s important to know is that your body is an adaptation machine...

Lack  of Healthy Blood Flow.

So when it senses a lack of healthy blood flow...

It responds by RAISING your blood pressure.

This pushes more blood through your lungs in an attempt to get more oxygen into your cells.

Short term, this is a good thing...

Because it helps save your cells from starving of blood and oxygen...

But it also comes with massive risks...

Since the longer your body has to work around the “kinks” in your lungs...

The longer your blood pressure stays high...

Until eventually...

Your Heart, Vessels, or Arteries Can ERUPT...

That’s the lung/blood pressure connection...

And it may also be why more people die of heart attacks in the coldest weeks of December...

When respiratory illnesses are most prevalent.

Because the harder your lungs have to work...

The HIGHER your blood pressure levels tend to rise.

Now catching something like a cold or a flu is an OBVIOUS example of respiratory distress...

But the truth is...

If you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond...

Lung Blood Pressure.

It’s Almost Impossible To Even Know
If You’re Dealing With Compromised Lungs
Until It’s Too Late...

Gets Out of Breath.

Now I don’t know about you but I hear so many people over the age of 50 complaining about being “out of shape”.

They notice that walking up the steps gets them out of breath when it never used to...

Physical activity wipes them out much faster than just a few years ago...

And they notice themselves having to take deeper breaths just to feel like they’re getting enough air.

These could all be warning signs that your lungs are struggling.

Whether it’s from decades of breathing in all the toxic pollutants of modern living...

Or the damage done from a lifetime of colds, flu, and other infections...

As we get older...

Undetected Lung Obstructions.

Our lungs tend to have a harder time performing their job.

And the scariest part is, this damage can go entirely unnoticed for far too long...

Because having kinks in your lungs doesn’t mean you’re constantly going to be coughing and wheezing all the time...

You might not notice the signs at all.

In fact...

One recent study found that up 30% of 50+ Americans could be walking around with UNDETECTED lung obstructions.

Are you starting to see how crucial it is to protect yourself?

This means this devastating process could be happening inside the lungs of you or your 2 closest friends.

It also explains why SO many Americans who suffer from high blood pressure don’t seem to improve with standard treatments.

Because our bodies NEED our lungs to oxygenate our cells...

And when our lungs are compromised with those kinks...

And are unable to pump the blood on their own...

Our bodies will continue raising our blood pressure to give our lungs a little “push.”

That’s Why You Can’t Just Rely On
“Traditional” Solutions To Help
Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels...

As I’ve shown you...

No matter how little salt you eat...

Or how much you exercise...

Or how healthy your diet is...

It’s almost impossible to enjoy healthy blood pressure without optimizing your lung health.

Because the real root cause of high blood pressure (in SO many cases) is the “Toxic Kinking” in your lungs.

It’s slowing the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart and other vital organs...

And the slower the flow...

The HIGHER your body has to raise your blood pressure to compensate.

Traditional Solutions.

Now that’s the bad news...

But as I’ve mentioned already...

There is good news too...

Because through my research...

I’ve uncovered a safe and nature-backed way to keep your lungs free and clear of these “kinks”....

So that you can put your blood pressure worries behind you forever.

And it’s all thanks to...

The Strange Blood Pressure Solution
Found Buried Inside An Ancient
4,000-Year-Old Korean Recipe...

Korean Black Garlic.

Honestly, I was lucky to uncover this.

It only happened because I love to cook...

And one night I was on my computer trying to find a healthy garlic butter recipe...

When one of the websites I visited mentioned something called Black Garlic.

I’d never heard of Black Garlic before...

And turns out, I wasn’t alone...

Because Black Garlic was only “discovered” in the West a few years ago...

When a British farmer accidentally stumbled onto a 4,000-year-old method for how to make it.

Ancient Black Garlic Recipe Found By Farmer.

It’s like something out of a movie...

A small-time garlic farmer finds a forgotten-about ancient recipe during his research...

View It As Fine Truffles.

He spends months perfecting it...

Then his creation goes on to earn the praise of celebrity chefs like Nigella Lawson and Gordon Ramsay...

Who view it as a delicacy on par with fine truffles or caviar...

Leading to him becoming the largest supplier of garlic in all of England.

It’s a pretty wild story, right?

Now unfortunately most normal people like you and I can’t do this ourselves.

The process for creating black garlic takes up to 20 months...

Which is why it’s considered such a delicacy like truffles and caviar.

But what’s even more impressive is the science coming out since its rediscovery back in 2014...

Showing that Black Garlic is wildly effective at helping people maintain healthy blood pressure and overall heart health.

For example:

  1. One major study found that when participants were supplemented with aged garlic extract, their blood pressure dropped by an average of 16.3/9.3...
  2. In another study, participants enjoyed a decrease of up to 10.2mmHg over a 12-week period...
  3. Yet another study showed aged garlic was able to significantly reduce blood pressure by about 12 points...
  4. And another study found that aged garlic extract was able to perform JUST as well for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels as popular “over the counter” options...

And here’s the best part...

This Special Form Of Aged Black Garlic
Helps With One Of The Root Causes Of
High Blood Pressure... Your Lungs!

The science here is EXTREMELY impressive.

Study after study has found that black garlic can help support a healthy inflammatory response in the lungs.,,

Remember - inflammation is what causes those kinks I’ve been telling you about...

And we now know that those kinks can be a big reason why blood pressure increases...

Because they ROB your heart and other vital organs of vital blood flow...

Vital Blood Flow.

Which forces your body to increase the pressure to try and force blood to circulate.

So is it any wonder the same aged black garlic extract that’s been shown to support a healthy heart and blood pressure...

Has also been shown in multiple studies to have an impact on inflammatory markers in the lungs?

It didn’t feel like a coincidence to me...

And as I kept doing more research...

I became convinced that this unique black garlic extract is one of the most promising natural “blood pressure allies” on Earth...

And I felt obligated to share this potential life-saving breakthrough with every single person I could.

Not just my Mom...

Or people like Bob...

Or the over 115,000 people whose digestive issues I’d helped solve...

But also with the MILLIONS of Americans who are worried about their blood pressure and want to do everything they can to keep them in healthy ranges.



Today's Most Innovative, Unique, Effective Way To Support Healthy Blood Pressure

Introducing Pressure Aid.

Pressure Aid was specifically designed to support your lungs while giving your body the nutrients it needs to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Pressure Aid is not a capsule, a gummy, or a pill...

It’s a state-of-the-art liquid tincture.

That’s actually very important...

Because this delivery mechanism makes Pressure Aid 3x - 10x more powerful than most oral supplements like capsules or pills.

I’ll explain how this works in just a moment...

But first let me explain what’s inside this unique, innovative formula.

Black Garlic Taste Garlicky.

The star ingredient inside Pressure Aid is aged Black Garlic Extract...

And like I’ve mentioned previously...

One of the best parts about Black Garlic is that it doesn’t taste garlicky at all...

Which means no bad breath, no aftertaste, and no grossness when you consume it.

It actually has a DELICIOUSLY sweet, umami-like flavor which is why high-end restaurants are now using it across the world.

And just like with all the ingredients I’ve included in my formulas...

You can be sure that you’re getting the absolute BEST forms of this heart and lung-supporting extract inside Pressure Aid.

That’s because I have all my supplements tested and analyzed by a third-party lab to ensure quality and purity...

And unlike so many supplement companies out there that seem to be focused on nothing but profit margins...

Don't Cut Corners.

My entire company is built on a simple principle:


I don’t care if I have to pay more money to produce each bottle of Pressure Aid (or any other product I make)...

All I care about is that my products WORK.

And because efficacy is my number one goal...

My team and I chose to add several more powerful ingredients into Pressure Aid...

Ingredients that I’ll go ahead and share with you right now.

Because along with aged Black Garlic Extract...

First We Included A Mediterranean Superfood
That Supports Your Heart AND Your Lungs...

You might have heard of the Mediterranean Diet before...

And how it’s one of the healthiest ways for humans to eat.

Study-after-study shows that following the Mediterranean diet can enjoy up to a 31% decreased risk of heart attack, stroke or death from heart disease, massive decreases in LDL (bad) cholesterol, and a whopping 52% decreased risk in Type 2 Diabetes...

And one of the major reasons why is because people in the Mediterranean LOVE their olive oil.

Fortunately for you though...

You don’t need to chug gallons of olive oil every day to get many of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet...

Because scientists recently discovered how to extract one of its most vital nutrients.

Oleuropein Rich Olive Leaf Extract.

It’s called Oleuropein and it’s found inside Mediterranean Olive Leaves.

Oleuropein has been shown to specifically target arterial resistance and stiffness by helping modulate calcium channel flow.

In one major study for example...

Researchers took 232 patients with high blood pressure...

And gave half of them Oleuropein-rich olive leaf extract...

While the other half was given a placebo (basically a fake pill)...

And after just 8 weeks...

They found that the olive leaf group had significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure...

Along with lower triglyceride levels in their blood work too.

And what’s even better...

Is that MULTIPLE studies have Oleuropein-rich olive leaf extract to help support lung health too - even in severe cases.,,

Next We Added In A
Premium Form Of CoQ10...

Premium Food - CoQ10.

You’ve likely heard of CoQ10 before and for good reason.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant your body produces naturally...

And your cells use CoQ10 to protect themselves from damage (including your lungs).

CoQ10 also plays an important role in metabolism...

So it’s great for anyone trying to watch their weight.

That’s a big issue...

Because CoQ10 has been found to help maintain proper elasticity levels in your blood vessels...

And in addition to that:

  1. One meta-analysis found that people with high blood pressure who supplemented with CoQ10 lowered their blood pressure by as much as 17/10 mmHg...
  2. Another study of CoQ10 found similar results, with participants shaving off about 16/10 mmHg in blood pressure readings...
  3. Yet another impressive study showed that CoQ10 helped plummet blood pressure by up to 17.8/12 mmHg in just 12 weeks.

And in addition to all of that...

A major clinical trial found that aged black garlic and CoQ10 have a synergistic effect at supporting heart health when combined together.

In other words, they supercharge your results when taken together...

So you get more “bang for the buck”.

Finally We Added 3 Supporting Ingredients
To Multiply The Results Even Further...

As I mentioned earlier...

My #1 and only goal when creating new products is creating something that actually WORKS.

That’s why we went “all in” with this formula...

Giving your body an all-star list of heart and lung supporting ingredients.

So we also added:

Hibiscus Flower Extract.

Hibiscus Flower Extract

Hibiscus Flower Extract.

Which MANY studies have shown to help support normal blood pressure levels because it can help decrease systolic levels by up to 16.1%...

Vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2.

Which research has shown to help shuttle calcium through your arteries and into your bones where it belongs. In one mind-blowing study, participants taking vitamin K2 daily were found to have 50% lower overall risk for serious coronary artery issues...

Hawthorn Berry Extract.

Hawthorn Berry Extract

Hawthorn Berry Extract.

Because it’s loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols and has been shown in numerous studies to help lower blood pressure by as much as 13 points...

By the time we were finished...

I Spent Way More Time And Money Formulating
Pressure Aid Than I’d Expected To...

Especially since we chose to deliver these ingredients in a tasteless liquid tincture...

Something where you just put a few drops under your tongue each day...

And they go right into your bloodstream...

To give your lungs, heart, and other organs the vital nutrients they need.

Most people don’t realize that when you take oral solutions (capsules, gummies, pills etc)...

Your body can only absorb about 15% of the ingredients.

That’s because typical oral solutions go through your stomach AND liver before entering your bloodstream.

This is called “first-pass metabolism”...

And means that not only are you flushing up to 85% of your money down the toilet...

You also end up with more side effects!

Formulating Pressure Aid.

That’s Why We Created Pressure Aid
As A Liquid Tincture...

My research also led me to discover something VERY few people know.

Because science has now shown that by holding a liquid tincture in your mouth for 20-30 seconds before swallowing...

The ingredients get absorbed straight into your blood vessels and veins throughout your mouth...

And directly into your bloodstream.

Liquid Tincture.

In fact, studies show that you absorb up to 3-10x more when using a liquid tincture than you do taking the exact same ingredient orally.

That means you get 3-10x the effectiveness for the exact same price...

And since it bypasses your stomach and liver...

The chances of side effects drops significantly.

Now these liquid tinctures are not easy to make...

Plus they’re super expensive to create since we could include much higher dosages of the ingredients in each serving too...

But again my ONLY goal here is making something that gets results.

So even though it was a pain in the butt to do it this way, I said “screw it”...

Because while I know it’s hard not to feel jaded by all the stuff you see online these days...

The God’s Honest Truth Is That I Just Want To
Help People Feel Good...

Silent Killer Blood Pressure.

Earlier in my life, that meant helping folks to fix their digestion issues...

And now, as I’ve gotten older...

All of my focus has turned to the silent killer that is high blood pressure.

I just don’t think it should be a life sentence...

I don’t think you should lose sleep wondering “what would happen if”...

Or feel anxiety every time your heart starts racing...

Because you’re worried that maybe all that feeling in your chest is the start of a health disaster.

Or to feel like your only option is to live the rest of your life on a prescription pill merry-go-round.

After hearing about that man Bob’s heart attack on his wedding anniversary...

Then finding out my Mom suffered from the same condition as Bob...

I just knew there had to be a better way to deal with this stuff.

With Pressure Aid, thank God there is.

And that’s why right now, on this website only...

I Want To Give You The Chance To
Try Pressure Aid For A Fraction Of What I
Initially Planned To Charge The Public...

As I mentioned earlier...

Making each batch of Pressure Aid is both time-consuming and expensive...

Especially since many of the ingredients come from pristine and exotic locations...

3 Bottles - Pressure Aid.

And there’s a lot of technical stuff that goes into combining them into a high-dosage tincture...

Plus we also pay extra money to a third-party laboratory so they’ll test every single batch.

Given all of this...

My original thought was to set the price of Pressure Aid at $97 per bottle...

Which I actually do think this is a very fair and reasonable price.

With that being said though...

3 Bottles - Pressure Aid.

I Also Realized That $97 Put Pressure Aid
Out Of Reach For A Lot Of People Who Could
Truly Benefit From It...

Which is why right now, at the time of me writing this...

I’m still trying to figure out the lowest price I can offer Pressure Aid without going broke.

I’m not exactly sure what it is yet to be honest...

But I’ve decided to take a risk...

By starting with the lowest possible price I can ever imagine being able to offer.

And That’s Why Right Now...
From This Website Only...

Pressure Aid Bottle.

Instead of paying $97 or even $67 for a single bottle of Pressure Aid...

You can get your hands on this heart and lung supporting breakthrough for just $49.95 per bottle.

This isn’t some pricing gimmick. I’m taking a risk offering Pressure Aid... to the public at such a discount...

Because honestly between our product cost, shipping cost, employees, marketing, and all the other million expenses that go into selling a product...

We’re making practically ZERO money at that price (and actually losing some in many cases).

My hope is that once you become a customer and see that we truly care about you as a human being...

You’ll end up ordering some of our other products and telling your friends about us.

Maybe that’s a bad business decision...

But it’s how I believe people should treat their customers...

So that’s what we’re doing.

But what’s even BETTER for you is that fact that...

You Can Enjoy An Even BIGGER Discount
When You Choose The 6 Or 3 Month Supply
Of Pressure Aid...

Pressure Aid - Big Discount.

I’m only able to do this because shipping more bottles at once saves some money...

And it allows us to create Pressure Aid in larger batches which also saves us money...

And I can then pass those savings on to you.

On top of that...

It’s a great idea to stock up on Pressure Aid so you’re covered if we run out.

Because I didn’t make a huge initial batch of Pressure Aid...

And if any of our ingredients have supply chain issues (which happens ALL the time)...

It could be MONTHS before I get more of this tincture sent to my warehouse.

Not to mention the fact that because ingredient prices have dramatically increased the cost to create Pressure Aid...

There is a HIGH likelihood the price will be higher the next time you see it.

And finally on top of ALL of this...

Researchers also found that in virtually every single study I’ve shared with you today...

The Longer You Take The Ingredients
Found Inside Pressure Aid...
The More Powerful Their Effects Can Be!

This means that while you’ll start noticing a big difference with Pressure Aid from your very first day...

The longer you take it, the better your experience is likely to be.

Remember, your lungs and heart never get a day off...

Whether it’s pollutants, toxins in our food and drinks, respiratory bugs, or anything else...

We’re constantly under attack...

Which is why it really makes the most sense to view Pressure Aid as your trusted ally in maintaining healthy blood pressure...

Like anything else you’d take daily like a probiotic or a multivitamin.

Free Shipping.

That’s why even though the single bottle price today is just $49.95...

When you grab the 3-month supply of Pressure Aid today...

I’m dropping your investment down to just $39.95 per bottle...

And when you get the 6-month supply it’s only $29.95 per bottle (plus free shipping).

These are REALLY big discounts and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to offer them.

But if you’re here now, it means they are still available...

So go ahead and jump on this now...

By selecting the package below that’s right for you.

Choose Your Pressure Aid Package Below

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $59.95

Today's price: $49.95

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

All Orders Of Pressure Aid Come With My
3-Month, 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee.

Why am I offering such a massive guarantee?

Simply put...

It’s because I want to make sure you’re happy and confident with your order today...

And I understand you've probably tried a million things in the past that haven't worked for you.

Pressure Aid truly is different...

But I’m also keenly aware that seeing is believing...

Which is why I’m not even asking you to say yes to Pressure Aid today.


All I’m asking is that you say “maybe”...

By investing in Pressure Aid and seeing how it works for you.

Just try it out.

Use Pressure Aid as instructed...

Let it give you the peace of mind you deserve...

See what kind of impact it has on your blood pressure...

And I’m fully confident that once you do that...

You’ll agree that trying Pressure Aid was one of the smartest investments you’ve EVER made.

And if I happen to be wrong...

Or if you change your mind about this order for any reason...

Customer Support Team.

Simply email or call our customer support team...

And we’ll refund your entire order with no questions asked.

Our contact information is on the bottle, all over our website, on Google, in a package insert shipped with your order, on this page, and basically anywhere you can think of...

So it couldn’t be easier.

The only acceptable outcome here is that Pressure Aid transforms your health and your life...

And if that doesn’t happen...

Let me and the team know...

And we’ll refund every single penny.

It’s that simple...

So Go Ahead And Choose Your Package
Of Pressure Aid Now While It’s Being Offered
At The Absolute Lowest Price...

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $59.95

Today's price: $49.95

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

This Is The End Of My Presentation...
But It Doesn’t Have To Be
The End Of The Road

Right now, you have a choice.

You could leave this page without trying Pressure Aid today...

Blood Pressure Is Fine.

Or you could choose your package below.

I don’t know where the first choice will lead you...

But I do know what will happen if you stand up and take action...

By saying yes to Pressure Aid today.

When you make that decision...

When you DO stand up...

It doesn’t just mean getting this breakthrough at the lowest price that I’ll ever offer it to the public at.


It means so much more than that.

This is your opportunity to STOP worrying about your blood pressure and its potentially disastrous consequences..

And to get back to ENJOYING your life.

It means no longer feeling like your life is ruled by numbers, pills, doctors, and fear...

And in a very real sense...

It means becoming free.

That’s the promise of Pressure Aid...

And now that you know the most overlooked cause of high blood pressure...

Along with what to do about it...

Your future is back where it belongs: in your hands.

Blood Pressure - Money Back Guarantee.

So go ahead and try Pressure Aid today.

And when you do...

You’ll be covered by my 3-Month, 100% Money-Back Guarantee...

Which means Pressure Aid is literally guaranteed to work for you...

Or it won’t cost you a DIME.

And with all that being said...

Choose Your Package Of Pressure Aid Right Now
While We Still Have Bottles in Stock

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $59.95

Today's price: $49.95

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.


Founder, Peak Biome

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Pressure Aid Work?

So remember that the lungs are actually the “control switch” of your body’s blood pressure.

This means that when your lungs function properly...

Your blood pressure stays in a healthy range...

But when your lungs begin to “kink”... blood flow backs up... and in response your body sends your blood pressure through the roof.

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to avoid all the lung-damaging pathogens, germs, and toxins floating around in our modern environment...

But that doesn’t mean you’re helpless.

Pressure Aid contains a special type of aged Black Garlic extract that’s loaded with potent antioxidants that “unkink” your lungs...

Allowing blood to flow through them again like a raging river...

And allowing you to enjoy perfectly balanced blood pressure.

It’s backed by a MOUNTAIN of scientific research to help support optimal blood pressure levels in a bunch of ways...

Including helping maintain a proper inflammatory response in your lungs, relaxing smooth muscle in blood vessels, and supercharging circulation.

We also added Olive Leaf Extract...

Which is proven to be as effective at lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure as over the counter solutions.

And then there’s the powerful Hibiscus flower...

Which complements all the other ingredients in Pressure Aid...

By acting as an antioxidant, ACE inhibitor, and contains natural blood pressure-supporting minerals.

Plus, Pressure Aid contains two more potent ingredients shown to support optimal blood pressure levels, including...

Vitamin K2 to help shuttle calcium into your bones and out of your arteries...

And CoQ10, is the cellular energizer that keeps your heart beating strong.

That’s six ingredients for total blood pressure support...

In a liquid tincture for up to 3-10x better results compared to oral solutions with less chance of side effects.

Are There Any Side Effects?

We designed Pressure Aid for all ages and medical conditions.

All of the ingredients inside of Pressure Aid have been proven to be safe in clinical trials, and are constantly tested for purity and to ensure against toxins and contaminants. Moreover, Pressure Aid is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards.

We also formulated it in a liquid tincture to help bypass your liver which helps to minimize the likelihood of side effects.

However, if you currently have a medical condition or you’re taking other prescription medication, we advise you to show a bottle of Pressure Aid to your doctor before you take it, just to put your mind at ease.

When And How Should I Take Pressure Aid?

We formulated Pressure Aid as a tincture to enhance absorption by as much as 3-10x compared to traditional oral solutions. To maximize that, the best way to take it is by applying a 1ml dropper serving under your tongue. Hold it under your tongue for 20-30 seconds (this helps it absorb into your bloodstream, bypassing your liver for maximum absorption), then swallow.

Do this TWICE per day, for a total of 2ml. You can take both at once (easier for most people), or once in the morning and once at night (more effective).

What If It Doesn’t Work For Me? Can You Tell Me About The Guarantee Again?

The more success stories we continue to receive, the stronger we believe Pressure Aid has the power to help support healthy blood pressure. It’s true, though, that nothing works for 100% of the people who try it as each body works in its own way.

That’s why every bottle of Pressure Aid comes with an ironclad 6-month money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you aren’t fully satisfied with the results, you can just return what you haven't used for a full, no question asked refund.

How can I get started?

It’s very easy! Just click the button below now to go to our secure order checkout page, enter in your information, and we’ll immediately get to work shipping Pressure Aid right to your doorstep.

So, all you have to do today is choose your option below.

Fill out the secure order form on the next page...

And we’ll ship your Pressure Aid right to your door!

Choose Your Pressure Aid Package Below

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $59.95

Today's price: $49.95

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


$14.95 Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

$179.70 total

Regular price: $359.70

Today's price: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ $9.95 Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

$119.85 total

Regular price: $179.85

Today's price: $119.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.