African Farmers Just Accidentally Made
The Immune System Discovery Of The Century...

Purple African Fusion Plant Bulletproofs Your Immune System In Just Seconds Per Day

Potent Immunity Drink.

Do you remember getting sick as a kid?

I don’t know about you, but when I was younger I felt like getting sick wasn’t a big deal. You had a few sniffles, stayed home from school to play games all day, then felt fine a day or two later.

But as you get older it seems to practically take over your life.

Because NOW when you get sick you’re worried about sick days, doctor visits, prescription meds, or OTC remedies that all take money out of your pocket, getting behind on household chores, and 50 other things!

Stressed and Anxious.

You’re stressed and anxious because it’s disrupting your life, which of course depletes your immune system even more and keeps you sick longer...

You’re exhausted, especially if you’re raising children. The world doesn’t stop just because you’re sick. You still have to hold your household together and feed, referee, chauffeur, and supervise your kids. Then, of course, that bug you’re fighting manages to make the rounds through the entire family and you feel like you’re on a never-ending roller coaster of ickiness...

If you’re over 50 it becomes much more scary whenever you get sick than it used to. You’re worried about your own health and sometimes it can make you feel like it’s a full-time job trying to stay healthy...

Socially you’re faced with all sorts of hard decisions. It always hits at the worst time so you’re worrying if you should call off work, cancel the family gathering, go out in public, see your grandkids, the list goes on and on!

I can’t think of many things that impact every facet of our lives and quality of life other than being/feeling ill.

NOTHING works like it should when you’re sick and nothing is really enjoyable.

Fortunately You’ll Never
Have To Deal With That Again...

Because on this page I’m going to share a groundbreaking, “happy accident” in Africa that led to one of the biggest immunity breakthroughs in the past 30 years.

It’s completely changing everything we’ve known about staying healthy and energetic year-round.

In Fact...

  1. It’s so powerful, it’s like giving your immune cells a bulletproof vest to protect themselves with...
  2. It’s so simple, it requires just a few seconds per day...
  3. And it’s so revolutionary, people are throwing many of their old immunity products in the trash because they’re no longer needed...

The best part is, it’s been scientifically proven by some of the most prestigious research universities around the world.

They’re astonished at how something so simple can have such a tremendous impact on not just your immune system, but your overall health - especially for those over 50.

I’ll share the story and show you how you can use it in your own life in just a moment.

But before I do that...

Powerful And Simple.

Let Me Quickly Introduce Myself...

Jeremy Owner of Peak Biome.

My name is Jeremy and I'm the owner of Peak Biome.

I’ve spent my entire adult life working in the alternative health industry. I was “behind the scenes” and got to see why most companies selling health products shouldn’t even be allowed to exist.

The level of lies, deceit, and unethical practices made me sick.

After many years, I couldn’t take it anymore.

So in 2019, I decided to start a company called Peak Biome.

Our mission is to help people empower themselves to make smarter choices about healing their bodies naturally.

We’re not some cold, corporate, financially backed public company.

I’m just a regular guy who married his high school sweetheart and have 3 young boys that I’m trying to be a good role model for. We’re doing our part to set good examples, give back and help people heal themselves.

Basically, we’re just trying to set good vibes for the planet :)

But enough about me.

We’re here to talk about YOU and I want to show you this incredible secret I recently discovered...

It’s Called Kenyan Purple Tea
And I Believe It’s The Most Exciting
Breakthrough In Immunity Since Antibiotics...

This unique tea was developed by Kenyan farmers out of desperation. Over the past few decades, extreme weather has been destroying their tea crops. Because of this, they had no income to feed their families.

So they got the idea to create a “bulletproof” plant that could withstand environmental stress so it could live through frost, drought, pests, and unpredictable weather.

Over several decades they began infusing Camellia Sinensis (what most tea comes from) with dozens of different local Kenyan plants to see how they reacted. They grew it at altitudes of 6,000+ feet so only the strongest variations would survive. They put the plants through extreme tests to determine what variations would survive the longest.

And after many years of experimentation, they finally developed what is now known as Kenyan Purple Tea.

That’s Where Things Get Really Exciting...

You see, plants create antioxidants to help protect them from everything trying to kill them.

Antioxidants are like a bulletproof shield to prevent oxidative damage that destroys cells.

And since they specifically built this plant to withstand the worst conditions on Earth...

It also made it one of the most antioxidant-rich plants on Earth.

In fact...

Packed Kenyan Purple Tea.

Kenyan Purple Tea Contains Almost
Twice As Many Antioxidants As Any Other Tea...

And specifically one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world... anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidants found in red, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables. And they are one of the healthiest nutrients you can put into your body.

Kenyan Purple Tea.

We all know how important antioxidants are for our overall well-being. Pick pretty much ANY area of health and you’ll find a direct correlation between it and antioxidants.

And when it comes to antioxidants, anthocyanins are the KING.

Scientists around the world are absolutely stunned at how crucial they are for maintaining your health and vitality, especially in people over the age of 50.

Here Are Just a FEW Of The Hundreds Of Studies
Showing How Powerful Anthocyanins Are...


Studies suggest they may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels...

Heart Health.
Heart Health

One groundbreaking study of 34,000 postmenopausal women showed that consuming anthocyanins regularly can help support heart health in a massive way...


Anthocyanins have been shown to help significantly with joint discomfort to keep you mobile and active...

Blood Pressure.
Blood Pressure

One 12-week study showed that anthocyanins could help participants maintain healthy blood pressure levels...


Research suggests that anthocyanins can dilate blood vessels and improve circulation...


Many studies show that anthocyanins help create proper regulation of your innate immune system...

Faster Recovery.
Faster Recovery

Studies show that anthocyanins help folks recover faster from workouts and day to day activities...


Studies in women show that those consuming the most anthocyanins have significantly less body fat than those eating the least...


Studies show that anthocyanins help enhance night vision and overall vision by supporting eye health...

Blood Sugar.
Blood Sugar

Studies show profound beneficial support in regulating free radicals, while helping maintain a healthy pancreas and blood sugar levels...


Studies show that diets rich in anthocyanins may support verbal learning, memory, attention processing speed, and verbal fluency...,

Hormonal Balance.
Hormonal Balance

Studies show that anthocyanins can help support hormonal balance by reducing estrogenic activity and regulating enzyme production...

Now as you can see, anthocyanins aren’t just a miracle for your immunity...

They help bulletproof practically your entire body!

In fact what you see above is just 12 of over 16,292 studies currently done on these incredibly potent, powerful, healing compounds.

They’re so powerful we believe EVERYONE over the age of 50 should consume anthocyanins daily. They give you peace of mind to know you’re giving your body what it needs to stay healthy and function optimally.

Put simply, Kenyan Purple Tea is one of the easiest, most delicious ways to add them to your daily diet.

And you'll be glad to know...

We've Discovered A Unique Way To Supercharge It's Effects For All-Around Immune System Support!

As I found it, there’s a unique process the plant must go through before you can truly maximize its benefits.

I actually found this out from my manufacturer.

When I first heard about Kenyan Purple Tea, I asked him if he’d ever heard about it.

His eyes immediately lit up like a 5-year-old on Christmas morning.

YES! I just recently found out about this too. Let me see what I can find and I’ll get back to you.

After a few weeks, I heard back from him.

He explained that he was sending me a POWDERED version of this unique tea.

You see, tea is normally steeped as a full leaf. This makes it taste good, but a huge portion of the nutrients get trapped within the leaves and never actually make it into your body.

He explained that in order to get all the nutrients, you had to turn the tea into a fine powder. That way it would instantly dissolve and you would swallow the ENTIRE leaf, instead of just steeping it.

So what's the difference?

Well one study found that drinking powdered tea vs loose-leaf tea can provide up to 127x more nutrients! 

Felt The Subtle Flavors.

I agreed, so he rushed me a sample.

I was ecstatic as I poured the first cup into my favorite clear mug I have. The powdered tea dissolved and transformed into the most beautiful purple tea I’d ever seen.

I closed my eyes for that first exciting sip...

Felt the subtle flavors rolling over my tastebuds...

And I Was Immediately Disappointed :(

It was GOOD by itself, but not amazing.

I drank it because the health benefits are just too good to not drink. It’s like a free pass to perfect immunity. Nobody could pass that up.

But I’m a perfectionist (sometimes a bit too much according to my wife!), so I went back to the drawing board.

I was determined to figure out how to turn this into something the world has never seen before.

So I spent months researching the best ingredients for immunity that I could blend with this beautifully unique elixir to create something truly innovative.

In short, I became OBSESSED with creating the best immunity product that’s ever been created.

And when I finally figured out exactly which ingredients would give the best results, I still had one major problem...

Immediately Disappointed.

I Had To Make It Taste Amazing!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand it when products don’t taste good.

I take a lot of supplements myself because I know how healing they can be, but some of them are just gross.

I refused to allow that to happen.

So we spent several more months of back & forth taste tests, trying dozens of different combinations and manufacturing methods to get it just right.

Back And Forth Taste Tests.
Unique Blend Looked Gorgeous.

Little by little, we made progress but it’s TOUGH getting a perfect balance when combining multiple ingredients.

We had to find the perfect balance by creating a unique blend that LOOKED gorgeous, TASTED amazing, and WORKED effectively.

But after months of researching, testing, and pulling my hair out...

We did it!

I Still Remember The First Time My Wife Tried It...

It was one of those times when a nasty bug was going around.

It felt like everyone I knew was coming down with something. All the kids in the neighborhood were staying home, parents were taking off work, everyone just felt miserable.

Fatigues With Stuffy Nose.

Including my wife.

She was fatigued, had a stuffy nose, weak muscles and a sore throat. It was clear her body was fighting something.

So I made her a cup of this purple concoction I’d put together and watched her take a sip.

Her eyes closed as she took a hesitating sip, and then burst open a second later...

WHOA! That’s amazing! Can I have the rest?

Now My Wife Is VERY Picky About Flavors...

So at that point, I knew it was a winner.

I immediately texted everyone in my neighborhood and ran them over a few samples for them to try.

And over the next few days, I got text after text...

. .

They had nothing but amazing things to say about it.

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for so many people.

The results happened FAST, generally within just a few days...

They loved the beautiful purple color and delicious flavor that hit the spot.

And word was spreading.

And after getting requests from family... friends... and even strangers...

I finally decided to make it available to the public.


Peak Immunity

The Beautiful, Delicious Elixir That Supports
All 7 Immune System Pathways At Once!

Peak Immunity.

Peak Immunity is a perfectly purple elixir that gives you the results of multiple immunity supplements all at once.

It puts everything you need into one delicious drink you can enjoy hot or cold.

Most immunity products only support certain aspects of your immune system. That means you either need to buy multiple products or not get the full support you need.

That’s why we formulated Peak Immunity to help support all 7 immune system pathways including B cells, T cells, Immunoglobulins A, D, G, E and M, Phagocytes, Granulocytes, Cytokines, and Macrophages.

Kenyan Purple Tea makes up the base of Peak Immunity. But as I mentioned, we also put in today’s most science-backed ingredients shown to help support a healthy immune system.

Those Ingredients Include...



Elderberry Purple Tea.

Elderberry is another dark purple fruit that strengthens the beautiful color of Kenyan Purple Tea while supercharging its health benefits.

Elderberry popularity exploded in recent years, and for very good reason. It’s loaded with nutrients and compounds your body needs to maintain a strong, balanced immune system.

But many people don’t realize that elderberry has been considered one of the most potent healers for well over 2,000 years since the days of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. He called the elderberry tree his “medicine chest” because it has such a profound effect on so many different areas of your health.

The good news is that science now confirms why Hippocrates was so obsessed with Elderberries over 2,000 years ago. They’ve even discovered that elderberries have the highest levels of anthocyanins of ANY food on Earth!

And they’ve shown that elderberry is crucial for supporting a healthy immune system...

Scientific Research Behind Elderberry

  1. One study showed that elderberry helped get participants back on their feet and feeling great much faster than expected…
  2. A recent meta-analysis of 4 studies showed that elderberry helped maintain a healthy respiratory system even through the cold winter months…
  3. Another study showed that elderberry skyrocketed various “immune supporters” by as much as 450%!

In fact if you search PubMed, one of the world’s leading research communities, you’ll see a whopping 1,450 impressive studies talking about how powerful elderberry is!

National Library of Medicine.




Astragalus is a fascinating plant that’s been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine.

Its deep pink and purple hues contain healing compounds so powerful that many hospitals around the world use it for patients for various conditions.

We added Astragalus because it’s not typically found in everyday food yet it contains health benefits most people over 50 would love to have.

For Example It’s Been Shown To...

  1. Help support white blood cell production so you can live your life without worrying about coming down with something that knocks you off your feet...
  2. Help support seasonal allergies such as sneezing and a runny nose...
  3. Help reduce fatigue so you can feel light and energetic even through the cold and gray winter months...


Vitamin C

Vitamin C.

Most people know how important Vitamin C is to immunity. However most people don’t truly understand HOW important it is.

What's most important is that Vitamin C helps support various cellular functions of both the innate (short-term) and adaptive (long-term) immune system.

Plus There Are Several Other Ways It Helps
Keep You Healthy Year-Round...

  1. Vitamin C helps support the growth and functioning of white blood cells...
  2. Vitamin C helps support a healthy response to foreign invaders on your skin...
  3. Vitamin C helps assist beneficial T-lymphocytes to help fight off foreign invaders...

Believe it or not, these are just 3 of 20 different ways vitamin C helps maintain a healthy immune system.

I would list them all, but I think you get the point :)

It’s almost impossible to understate how important it is to a healthy immune system, which of course is why we added it to Peak Immunity.




Zinc really is one of the most important pieces of your immune system. In fact, it affects more than 1300 processes inside your body.

Even more important is how it plays a major role in the healthy function of many different aspects of immunity such as your T cells, B cells, macrophages, cytokines, and more. In other words, making sure you’re getting enough should be a major priority for anyone looking to bolster their immune system.

And of course, there are many studies showing just how effective it really is. But rather than making you read through the dozens of studies each individually showing how powerful it is...

Here Are Two Studies Giving A Comprehensive Overview
Of Dozens Of Studies...

  1. A review of 7 studies showed zinc could help you regain your energy and get back to your daily routines quickly…
  2. Another analysis of 28 studies showed that zinc can help assist your body in recovering as quickly as possible…


Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D is yet another molecule that has a widespread effect on your overall health.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health as well as muscle and nerve functions. This makes it critically important for anyone over 50 as it helps you stay active, mobile and comfortable as you age.

But it’s also essential for your immune system.

That’s because it helps promote proper function of macrophages, cytokines, T cells, B cells, Immonoglobulins, and many others. This is why vitamin D is so highly regarded for its ability to help support your immune system. Because it plays a major role in nearly every immune-related process that happens inside your body!

And As Always, Its Research Shows Just How Powerful It Is...

  1. A review of 25 randomized controlled trials concluded that vitamin D supplementation helps support a healthy respiratory system very effectively…
  2. One impressive study showed that participants taking vitamin D had a much easier time staying healthy and energetic through the winter…

As you can see, Peak Immunity uses the most effective immune-supporting ingredients we know of today.

But what makes it truly unique is that it perfectly combines the unique health benefits with the ability to use it however and whenever you want.

Because, unlike most teas, you can...

Drink Peak Immunity Hot Or Cold...
Morning Or Night... In A Variety Of Ways... All Year Long!

Peak Immunity mixes easily into both cold and hot water.

That means you can enjoy a soothing cup of warm tea in the morning or as you’re winding down for bed during winter...

Peak Immunity With Hot Water. Peak Immunity In Your Bed - Hot.
Peak Immunity In Your Bed.
Peak Immunity In Your Bed - Cold. Peak Immunity With Cold Water.

Or add some ice and enjoy a deliciously beautiful glass on a hot summer day...

Or anywhere in between!

Plus it dissolves easily so you can also take it with you as you travel. That way you can feel safe and protected even around large groups of people.

And It’s Incredible For
Supercharging And Beautifying
Some Of Your Favorite Foods Such As...



Baked Goods.

Baked goods

Protein Drink.

Protein drinks




Peak Immunity Has No Preservatives...
No Sugar... No Artificial Flavors...
And Is Naturally Low In Caffeine!

In fact, it’s safe and natural enough to give to your kids (at half the dosage).

Only Ingredients From Mother Nature.

And since there’s nothing added, you can customize it to your specific taste preferences...

We didn’t want to decide the flavor for you. You’ll get the most natural, highest quality ingredients to support your immune system, while YOU can choose how to perfect the flavor for your taste buds.

But what’s even better is the fact that you can...

Get A 40% Discount When You Order
Peak Immunity From This Page Today...

Peak Immunity is a godsend for anyone wanting to keep their immune system in tip-top shape.

You no longer need to buy multiple products or force yourself to drink super tart vitamin C drinks that do nothing but annoy your taste buds.

And we’ve discovered that Peak Immunity is best used as part of your daily routine.

Keep Immune System In Tip Top Shape.

When used daily it helps keep your immune response stable.

That way you avoid the ups and downs which create fatigue and leave you vulnerable. And when you come into contact with foreign invaders trying to make you feel crummy, you’ll already be prepared.

Most people make the mistake of starting to take immune supplements when they already feel symptoms.

But since it takes a few days for ingredients to work, that is practically useless.

And since our #1 goal here is giving you a delicious, beautiful product that WORKS...

We’re willing to give you a massive 40% discount if you try out Peak Immunity today :)

You’ll see your options below and how you can choose a 1-month, 3-month, or 6-month supply...

But the 6-month supply is my absolute best deal because you pay once and you’re stocked up for the next 6 months.

It Gives You...

  1. The BIGGEST discount - which saves you 40% instantly...
  2. FREE shipping - saving you a whopping $14.95 instantly...
  3. The BEST results possible because you can consistently take the right amount each day without worrying about saving the last scoop...
  4. Protection from future price increases since you'll be stocking up now and getting our best discount...
  5. Protection from future "out of stocks" since you’ll have enough to last any production cycle...

Remember, you're getting the most rare, purified Kenyan Purple Tea we could find on the planet. Plus you're getting the most scientifically researched ingredients for immune health known today. Unfortunately, that makes it hard to keep in stock.

We're constantly dealing with new supply chain issues and having such potent, high-quality ingredients makes it even harder.

So be sure to stock up today. You'll get the best deal AND know you'll have enough in stock so you have the security of knowing you have it when you need it most.

On top of that...

Money-Back Guarantee.

You Risk NOTHING Due To Our
3-Month, 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Here at Peak Biome, we believe in our products.

They’re backed by research and formulated to be the most innovative and effective products of their kind.

That's why I'm confident enough to offer you a 3-month, 100% money-back guarantee.

You either get the results you're looking for, or you don't pay.

If for some reason it doesn’t work for you after giving it a fair try, simply email or call our customer support team. Our contact information is on the bottle, all over our website, in a package insert shipped with your order, and on this page. Our ONLY goal is to hear that Peak Immunity has changed your life, and if for some reason it hasn’t, just get in touch and we’ll take care of you.

It's really as simple as that!

So Go Ahead And Choose Your
Peak Immunity Package Below

Secure Online Ordering Form.

Click the "Add To Cart" button on the option below that you want the most, and you'll be taken to our 256-bit, secure online ordering form.

On the order form, you can review your order and enter your

personal details so we know where to ship your order.

We’ve also taken extra precautions to protect your information by making this page as secure as ordering from any major online retailer such as Amazon.

This means you can place your order and feel safe knowing your product will arrive on time...

And you can feel secure that your information is fully protected and never shared with any third parties.

So go ahead and place your order below by clicking the "Add To Cart" button and let us know which option is best for you.

Remember, you are protected by our 6-Month, 100% money-back guarantee, so you might as well stock up and save money now while we have Peak Immunity in stock.

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

Starter Pack.


+ Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $49.95

Best Value Pack

6 Bottles

Best Value Pack.


+ Free Shipping

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $299.70

Today Only: $179.70

Popular Pack

3 Bottles

Popular Pack.


+ Shipping & Handling

Add to cart Security Payment.

Regular price: $149.85

Today Only: $104.85

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s The Best Way To Take Peak Immunity?

Simply pour 1 scooper full into hot or cold water, a smoothie, oatmeal, or many other foods :)

Where Are The Ingredients Sourced From?

That's a great question! So The various ingredients are from all over the world. Some are from the U.S., some outside of the U.S. We base it where we can get the highest quality ingredients with the most stable supply so we don’t run out. They’re all then sent to our manufacturer who combines them to create the product.

How Long Before I See Benefits?

Great immunity isn’t something that can really be “felt”. However you may notice an increase in energy which is generally a good sign that your immune system is functioning well. You’ll likely begin to feel this difference about a week or so after taking Peak Immunity. But the best part is simply KNOWING that you’re doing what you need to so you immune system stays strong!

Can People Under The Age Of 18 Take This?

We believe Peak Immunity is safe to take for all ages. Having said that, if you have any concerns or doubts at all, please consult your physician before taking this OR any other supplement.

Can I Take This Along With My Existing Medication?

We don't know your medical history, background, or current medications you may be taking. If you’re at all concerned about it interacting with a medical condition or a specific medication, please consult your physician before taking this OR any other supplement.